November 9, 2013

Why We Want to Attend Stiletto Spy School

Posted on June 30, 2010 by in Lady Shooters, News

This is a true story from a graduate of the NY Stiletto Spy School.  Yet another reason to get to a self defense class and kick some bad guy ass!!


Submitted by Agent Seraphina, a Stiletto Spy School Alum

Through a series of unforeseen circumstances, I was in the unfortunate situation of walking down a questionable NYC street alone, late at night with only my cute dress, black alligator heels and vintage 50s purse.  As I walked briskly (as much one can in heels) I felt someone closing in from behind with a definite purpose to their stride.  I didn’t have any other option at that point but to deal with the situation.

My spidey sense told me that this person was a threat; but rather than allowing that feeling to dictate me as the victim, I improvised a plan and was ready to act.  I moved to the edge of the sidewalk so my back was against a parked car (no sneaking up on me from behind) and pretended to use it for balance to adjust one of my shoes – hoping the person would just walk past and nothing would come of it.

He quickly closed the gap, intruded into my personal space and began to say “Give me your…” I can only assume he was going to finish that sentence with, “… stiletto heel across my face as hard as you can.”  I obliged.  Thanks to the confidence and movement practice with which Stiletto Spy School provided me, there was no hesitation.  I was ready; I had a plan and acted quickly and decisively on it.  The heel was followed by a strong elbow jab to the jaw.  This was enough to get me away and send him off in pain.

Although I may write with some levity in my tone, this was one of the scariest moments of my life (and if you know me, that’s saying a lot!).  I had no way of knowing if I would have the courage to act, but Stiletto Spy School gave me the very best chance of keeping my wits about me.  I like to think of it as staying on your toes while using your heels!  Martial arts use colored belts (which are also nice accessories) to denote student accomplishment I’d say I earned my black heels that night.

Agent Seraphina

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One Response to “Why We Want to Attend Stiletto Spy School”

  1. Agent Sabrina Zee 1 July 2010 at 8:17 am #

    Kudos to you, Agent Seraphina!! I cannot adequately express how much I love this story. Great thinking on your feet – you’re definitely ready for the big time, now!