I’m inaugurating a new segment today.  As I’m sure you know, there are photos of women and guns circulating the internet. That’s nothing new. But is has come to my attention that there are some truly trashy shots out there and, let’s be realistic, they make all of us look bad. So in an effort to help steer us all in the right direction I’m compiling, for your viewing pleasure, examples of what to and not to do with a gun.





What is it with women shooters who feel that they have to show so much skin? Put some clothes on, honey!! General rule of thumb: If your gun covers more of your body than what you’re wearing does, we’ve got a problem. Sure, Barbara is in great shape and happy to show it off. Moreover, it appears as though the “twins” might actually be hers. But I, for one, do not want to see them.  Or her cellulite-free rear end. Sure, a guy might dig it, but is this really how you want to catch your man? I think not.

Had Barbara elected to don even a cute LBD, she could have easily stayed off the NOT CLASSY list. Listen, I’m all for looking cute and even a short skirt is no big deal (assuming you have the figure for it) in my mind, but don’t wear a bikini top and army pants. It’s just not ok. If we want respect, we don’t dress like porn stars.