Exclusive Sneak Peek! NRA Women’s Tips & Tactics
Police Officer Kim Heath shows us a tip to keep our AR under control when changing mags or clearing malfunctions.
To be filed under Learn to Shoot.
Police Officer Kim Heath shows us a tip to keep our AR under control when changing mags or clearing malfunctions.
Too often we forget to take care of our skin as well as we take care of our personal safety. This video is a great reminder of how to protect your skin while you are on the range.
I had the privilege of collaborating with some pretty amazing women on this video for NRA Women’s Network. Check it out!
The pioneering tactical company takes it to the next level with their latest addition to the team.
Some tips and techniques for instructing a first-timer.
Next time you see Jessie Duff, tell her thank you for showing the world who we really are.
A list of recommended guns and their uses to help you figure out which one to buy.
Our first all-female NRA Basic Pistol class was a hit! Here is our photo album.
Angie, one of our readers, asked this question: “We would like to purchase a .22LR. We are looking at both a Marlin and a Ruger. …
With humor and style, the proprietor of RebeccaGuns.com rocks it in a piece that is now at the top of my list of all time favorite gun articles. You need to read it. Trust me.