Keys for Self Defense? Bad Idea.
A repost from my friend Dom Raso’s Instagram feed. Why relying on your keys for self defense is a bad idea.
gun safety, self defense, firearm history, product features and reviews
A repost from my friend Dom Raso’s Instagram feed. Why relying on your keys for self defense is a bad idea.
NRA News interviews Natalie about the impact of female shooters in 2013 and beyond.
Let’s face it, he is not the easiest person to shop for. Let us help.
Send your husbandsfathersbrothersboyfriends here. We’ve got the list.
Lasers and laser/light kits are just one way to bling out your favorite firearm. Time to show me yours!
DuraCoat & Girl’s Guide to Guns officially launch the newest gun paint line in the DuraCoat family. And YOU get to choose the new color!
Police Officer Kim Heath shows us a tip to keep our AR under control when changing mags or clearing malfunctions.
In this video, Vicki Kawelmacher puts in to words what so many of us feel about our loved ones and our desire to keep them safe.
Too often we forget to take care of our skin as well as we take care of our personal safety. This video is a great reminder of how to protect your skin while you are on the range.
For those of us who care about the safety of our families, valuables and firearms (read: everyone who reads this blog), this little innovation from …