It started on Twitter. A few of the online gun girls thought it would be fun to get together sometime, do a little hunting, a little cooking, and put a few rounds down range. Shelley from Western Shooting Journal brought me in to the conversation and before we knew it, we had a group of girls who were interested in making this little Tweet fest a reality.
I live in LA where I am a bit more used to a ‘have your people call my people and well do lunch sometime’ mentality, so I was a little surprised when plans actually started to materialize. But now here we are at a private ranch in Missouri shooting a buffet of Berettas and Smith&Wessons and just generally enjoying one anothers company.
Vital stats so far:
1 lost iPhone
1 dunked iPhone
3 bug bites (one on my rear end.)
1 small prank that I can’t tell you about yet (heehee)
More to follow….
Here is a little photo preview of our time so far: